Cognitive Neuroscience of Human Verbal Communication
Oganian Lab
The HVC Lab wishes everybody happy holidays!
Yulia, Camila, Peter and Charlotte participate in the workshop “Exploring Temporal Response Functions (TRFs) in Real-World Speech Processing” at Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg in Delmenhorst, Germany, where Yulia gives a talk on the cortical processing of continuous speech.
Johanna, after completing her Bachelor Thesis in the lab, continues to support us as a research assistant. Welcome back to the team!
On November 8 – 13, Andrey attends the Communications seminar in Lautrach, Germany, organized by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds. The seminar comprises lectures and hands-on exercises on academic writing, rhetoric, and graphical design for scientific data visualization.
Luzie, Charlotte, and Mara participate in the NeNa conference taking place from 16.10.24 to 18.10.24 in Frankfurt, Germany.
Charlotte presents her work at this year’s AMLaP conference in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Read Yulia’s new publication “Anatomical and behavioural correlates of auditory perception in developmental dyslexia.” in Brain, in collaboration with Ting Qi, Maria Luisa Mandelli, Christa L Watson Pereira, Emma Wellman, Rian Bogley, Abigail E Licata, Zachary Miller, Boon Lead Tee, Jessica de Leon, Edward F Chang and Maria Luisa Gorno-Tempini (link).
The Systems Neuroscience Symposium takes place in Tübingen from 26.09.24 to 27.09.24. The lab is looking forward to seeing you there!
The lab visits SAMBA, the Salzburg Mind Brain Annual Meeting, where Yulia gives a talk as invited speaker. Andrey and Peter each present a poster.
For the Neutral by Choice workshop the PI´s and PhD students from the groups in Heidelberg (Christoph Korn, Jiatong and Raphael) and Konstanz (Verena Wagner, and Daniela) meet Yulia and Luzie in Tübingen. Two days filled with presentations, discussions and getting to know each other, perfectly organized by our research assistant Victoria.
Andrey represents our lab at the Conference “Psychologie und Gehirn”, presenting his work in a poster.
Peter starts in the lab as Postdoctoral Researcher to investigate natural speech processing in autism. Welcome!
Luzie starts as a PhD student in the lab. Welcome!
Leon starts his Bachelor thesis project with us. Welcome in the lab!
Victoria starts as a research assistant in the lab. Welcome!
New project in the lab: Starting in April 2024, this project, newly funded by the Heidelberg Academy of sciences, will explore empirical evidence for cognitive states of neutrality during perceptual decision making. In collaboration with Verena Wagner (Konstanz) and Christoph Korn (Heidelberg).
Johanna starts as a Bachelor student in the lab. Welcome!
Yulia is awarded the Human Cognitive and Behavioural Science Grant administered by the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) for the project “Neural tracking of acoustic-prosodic content in speech in adults with high-functioning ASD”.
Prof. Dr. Uri Hasson (Princeton University) visits our lab and gives a talk at the TNC Neurocolloquium.
3 lab christmas party, together with the Helfrich lab and Breska lab!
Yulia hosts the CIN Exchanges lecture in Tübingen. This time, we welcome Dr. Benjamin Morillon for the talk “Neural dynamics and computations constraining speech and music processing”.
The lab attends the Cutting Gardens conference in Frankfurt where Yulia is giving a talk on “Encoding models and how to use them - deciphering the cortical representation of continuous speech” and Charlotte is presenting a poster.
Joint lab meeting with Helfrich lab and Breska lab, guest speaker: Nir Ofir.
Andrey continues to work in the lab now as a PhD student!
Joel starts in the lab as student assistant. Welcome!
Dr. Asya Achimova gives a guest talk at our weekly lab meeting.
Read Yulia’s new publication “Latent neural dynamics encode temporal context in speech” in Hearing Research, in collaboration with Emily P Stephen, Yuanning Li, Sean Metzger, and Edward F Chang (link).
Mara and Charlotte give a workshop at the NeNa conference in Frankfurt.
Daniels starts as a Master student in the lab. Welcome!
Mara attends the ASPP summer school in Heraklion, Greece.
Charlotte attends the ILCB summer school in Marseille, France.
Yulia’s most recent article in Neuron in collaboration with Ilina Bhaya-Grossman, Keith Johnson and Edward F. Chang made it to the cover page! Check it out here.
Yulia gives a talk at the TNC Elevator Pitches.
Madeline leaves the lab to start her European Master’s in Clinical Linguistics. Good luck!
Summer garden party together with Helfrich lab and Breska lab!
The conference “Psychologie und Gehirn” takes place in Tübingen.
Charlotte is awarded the State Postgraduate Fellowship, starting this month.
Dr. Maja Linke gives a guest talk at our weekly lab meeting.
Charlotte represents the HVCLab at the Project Fair for graduate students, organized by the GTC (15.06., 5:30 pm at HNO lecture hall).
Yulia gives the CIN Exchanges lecture “Convergent ideas about neural coding in CIN: Local Coding in Touch and Audition”, together with Prof. Dr. Cornelius Schwarz.
Paper “Low-frequency neural tracking of speech envelope reflects evoked responses to acoustic edges, not oscillatory entrainment” published in the Journal of Neuroscience by Yulia in collaboration with Katsuaki Kojima, Assaf Breska, Chang Cai, Anne Findlay, Edward Chang and Srikantan Nagarajan (link).
Paper “Vowel and formant representation in the human auditory speech cortex” published in Neuron by Yulia in collaboration with Ilina Bhaya-Grossman, Keith Johnson and Edward F. Chang (link).
First joint lab meeting with Dr. Liberty Hamilton’s lab.
Joint lab meeting with Helfrich lab and Breska lab, guest speaker: Dr. Saskia Haegens.
Lea reaches a milestone by presenting her half-term results at the colloquium of her medical doctoral program (IZKF).
Andrey, Mara and Charlotte go on the IMPRS-MMFD retreat to Heilbronn.
Joint lab meeting with Helfrich lab and Breska lab, guest speaker: Dr. Ayelet Landau.
Dr. Olga Kepinska gives a guest talk at our weekly lab meeting.
Joint lab meeting with Helfrich lab and Breska lab, guest speaker: Dr. Sam Norman-Haignere.
Lab briefing and instruction at the MEG Center Tübingen.
Joint lab meeting with Helfrich lab and Breska lab, guest speaker: Dr. Tom Pfeffer.
Madeline Philipsen joins the lab as a student research assistant. Welcome!
Joint lab meeting with Helfrich lab and Breska lab, guest speaker: Dr. Malte Wöstmann.
Dr. Fabian Tomaschek gives a guest talk at our weekly lab meeting.
Ema Zezelic joins the lab as a rotation Master’s student. Welcome!
Joint workshop on Git and Github with the Helfrich lab.
Mara and Charlotte are accepted as members of the IMPRS-MMFD. Congratulations!
Vera Voigtländer, PhD student in Dr. Steffen Hage’s lab presents her recent work in our weekly lab meeting.
First joint science event with Helfrich lab and Breska lab with talks, discussions and after-work drinks.
Andrey Zyranov joins the lab as a Master’s student of the IMPRS-MMFD 5-year track. Welcome!
Lea-Marie Tewald joins the lab as a M.D. student. Welcome!
Mara and Charlotte are accepted as members of the Graduate Training Centre of Neuroscience (GTC) Tübingen. Congrats!
Joint lab meeting with Helfrich lab and Breska lab, guest speaker: Dr. Giovanni Di Liberto.
The lab travels to Magdeburg (Germany) to attend the 7th International Conference on Auditory Cortex (ICAC).
The lab travels to Berlin to visit the Epilepsie-Zentrum Berlin-Brandenburg.
Joint lab meeting with Helfrich lab and Breska lab, guest speaker: Dr. Freek van Ede.
Joint lab meeting with Helfrich lab and Breska lab, guest speaker: Dr. Tal Seidel.
Harivignesh Ganesan joins the lab as a rotation Master’s student. Welcome!
Joint lab summer barbecue with Helfrich lab and Breska lab.
Charlotte attends the Cognition and Natural Sensory Processing (CNSP) workshop online.
We attend the IMPRS for Language Sciences Conference 2022 (MPI for Psycholinguistics) online.
Joint lab meeting with Helfrich lab and Breska lab, guest speaker: Dr. Nick Myers.
Yulia gives a talk on “Speech sound representation in human Cortex” at the 2nd Neuroscience Symposium Aix-Marseille - Tübingen.
Léane Morineau from Aix-Marseille Université joins the lab as a summer intern.
Joint EEG Bootcamp part II with the Breska lab.
Joint lab meeting with Helfrich lab and Breska lab, guest speaker: Dr. Benedikt Zoefel.
Joint lab meeting with Helfrich lab and Breska lab, guest speaker: Dr. Anne Urai.
Joint EEG Bootcamp part I with the Breska lab.
We attend the virtual conference Neurobiology of Language: Key Issues and Ways Forward II (MPI for Psycholinguistics).
Lab briefing and instruction at the MEG Center Tübingen.
Joint lab meeting with Helfrich lab, guest speaker: Dr. Ricardo Kienitz.
Mara and Charlotte start as PhD students in the HVC Lab. Welcome!
Yulia gives a talk at the TNC Neurocolloquium about “Representation of speech temporal structure in human cortex”.
New book chapter “Cortical Representation of Speech Sounds: Insights from Intracranial Electrophysiology” published by Yulia in collaboration with Neal P. Fox and Edward F. Chang (link).